E Ink News


2016 . May

Press Releases

E Ink Prism™ Featured at Taiwan Pavillion during the 15th International Arcitecture Exhibition – La Biennale Di Venezia

Venice (May 27, 2016) – E Ink® Holdings, "E Ink" (8069.TWO), the leading innovator of electronic ink technology in the world, today announced that E Ink Prism™ will be featured for its unique architectural capabilities part of the Taiwan Pavilion during the 15th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice. TDIS (National Chiao Tung University’s Transdisciplinary Design Innovation Shop), the group organizing Taiwan’s exhibition, selected E Ink to create three distinct exhibits; an ePaper tiled house consisting of 32, 32” displays; novelty table enabled by Prism™; and Pillar enabled by E Ink Prism™. The exhibits demonstrate Taiwan’s manufacturing capabilities and creativity by technology and architecture.

“ePaper is very different compared to traditional display technologies such as LCDs.” said Dr. Frank Ko, chairman and CEO of E Ink Holdings. “The exhibits highlight some of the unique features that ePaper enables in architecture and design applications. It’s ultra-low-power, requiring energy only while changing state, enabling environmentally friendly designs. Its paper like appearance gives products a natural look. These make it applicable to a wide range of applications. ePaper will be a key component of the next digital revolution.”

PrismTM is a new color changing film based on electronic ink and specifically designed for architecture applications. It can be integrated with traditional architecture materials to transform how we experience the spaces and environments around us. Spaces such as commercial lobbies, airport terminals, and public auditoriums can have dynamic components which appear natural but can change to enhance the human sensory experience.

E Ink electronic ink enables this capability because of 3 key features. It is fully programmable and does not constrain designers. It is fully reflective giving objects a natural and paint like appearance. It is ultra-low-power requiring so little power that designs can be deployed without the need to be connected to power outlets.

Dr. Ko continued, “We believe E Ink ePaper can have the same impact on the signage and architecture markets as it did in revolutionizing the eReader and eBook businesses.”

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