E Ink News


2015 . Oct

Press Releases

E Ink and Holitech Co-op to Expand the Market for Electronic Paper in China

The Focus will be in Mobile, Electronic Shelf Labels and Wearables Applications

E Ink® Holdings, "E Ink" (8069.TW), the leading innovator of electronic ink technology in the world, announced that it has signed a strategic agreement with Holitech (002217:CH) to jointly expand the markets for electronic paper (ePaper) applications in China. This agreement builds on the synergies from both companies in technology, manufacturing, and market strength. The main focus will be in mobile, electronic shelf label, and wearable applications.

“E Ink is the world leader in ePaper technology. We have a complete patent portfolio, with the advanced ePaper front plane laminate (FPL), ePaper display module, and manufacturing capabilities.” said Dr. Frank Ko, Chairman and CEO of E Ink Holdings. “We are very excited about our collaboration with Holitech. They are a leader in ePaper based product development in China, with advantages in their production supply chain and knowledge of the focus customer base. Our partnership will result in the expansion of the market size and our market share for ePaper applications in China.”

“Holitech is very proud to work together with E Ink. Our joint agreement will facilitate the synergy between both companies, lead to comprehensive cooperation, and create a win-win market.” said Jin Bo, vice president and the Board secretary of Holitech, “Under this agreement, Holitech will be focusing on E Ink based ePaper product development, promote ePaper applications, to meet customer demands in mobile, electronic shelf label, and wearables applications. We are thrilled to be part of developing ePaper applications in China.”

The joint agreement includes that E Ink and Holitech jointly explore and develop ePaper products and applications. E Ink will provide FPL and ePaper modules to Holitech, and Holitech will provide cost-effective products to customers through its high quality production capacity.

E Ink will also assist Holitech in product development, production, and technical support. Holitech will proactively promote ePaper applications in end products, such as dual-screen smartphones, electronic shelf labels, wearables, and smart home products through its knowledge and understanding of the customers and their markets.


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